My Dad passed in March 2001, first day of Spring. I had a dream about him last night. Nothing extraordinary.. he was just there. Sitting in a recliner eating something. My 11 year old ran up and jumped on his lap making Dad jump. We were all laughing, it was a beautiful scene. I miss him.
Dad was always singing. I put a few of his favorite songs that I remember him singing on my music list. He had a great voice, even recorded a few songs. He was a humble man, a barrel chested, giant of a man. I miss his huge hugs, and his enormous hands on my head giving me a blessing.
My husband and I are going to the temple this Thursday. I always feel closer to Dad when I go. I feel like he's smiling. Dad loved Jesus. He was always quoting scripture for whatever was happening in my life. I miss that. But I know I will see him again. I miss his words, his hugs, his voice, his counsel.. but his presence is always here when I need it. I believe out relatives passed on are a huge part of our lives. Helping to orchestrate things we wish to create into our lives. I know Dad helped me find his great-grandfather the other day.
I love you Dad!
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